Thursday, March 1, 2012

SA: Bowen widow hopes for murder charge out of inquest

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: Bowen widow hopes for murder charge out of inquest

The widow of murdered National Crime Authority officer GEOFFREY BOWEN says she hopes
somebody will be charged with her husband's murder as a result of a coronial inquest which
started today.

JANE BOWEN says it's always been her hope that somebody will be prosecuted over the parcel
bomb attack on the NCA's Adelaide office, which killed Detective Sergeant BOWEN and seriously
injured lawyer PETER WALLIS in March 1994.

She made her comments outside the Supreme Court in Adelaide, where Coroner WAYNE CHIVELL
heard opening statements.

His counsel assisting JOSIE ATKINS told the inquest a member of the Adelaide NCA office had
been the subject to a bomb attack in 1990, in which no-one was injured.

But she said proposed security upgrades as a result of that attack weren't made because of
financial constraints.

AAP RTV sn/nd/jn


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