Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fed: Police sent to rioting detention centre

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Police sent to rioting detention centre

Immigration Minister PHILIP RUDDOCK says South Australian police are being sent to
Woomera after reports of rioting asylum seekers at the detention centre there.

The asylum seekers have been sprayed with tear gas after stoning staff at the centre.

The protesters also set fire to buildings this morning.

Mr RUDDOCK says the protesters involved are most likely people whose refugee applications
have been rejected.

He says there's an effort to put pressure on the government to release people from detention.

The minister says no amount of unrest and civil disobedience will lead to the release
of people from security facilities until all issues relating to character have been properly
and fully handled and addressed.

There are no reports of injuries among the protesters or centre staff at this stage.

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