Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Qld: Outrage over latest koala killing =2

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: Outrage over latest koala killing =2

The state opposition said appalling acts of animal cruelty needed to be severely punished
before the perpetrators turned their sadistic intentions to humans.

Opposition justice spokesman Stuart Copeland said there was overwhelming evidence most
violent criminals were cruel to animals as children and teenagers.

"The profiles of serious, violent criminals overwhelmingly list cruelty to animals
before progression to people," Mr Copeland said.

He said if existing penalties for animal cruelty weren't used they are "virtually useless".

"The RSPCA is absolutely right in calling for tougher penalties to be enforced and
to point out the longest sentence for cruelty handed down by Queensland courts is just
four months' jail," Mr Copeland said.

"These shocking acts of cruelty against koalas, their joeys and birds must be stopped
... and the only way to stop them is to catch the perpetrators and ensure they receive
the maximum penalties for cruelty."

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